Polite & Friendly's


Where's my profile??!!

VonBrockWed May 27, 2009 2:07 pm

First of all I want to thank Ladyhawk for offering her time to help out.  Once we figured out that the problem I was experiencing was beyond both of us we enlisted the help of Mr. T as well as Titan, THANKS GUYS!  
Ladyhawk was attempting to help me save my profile so I could change my player name.  When we navigated to the file where it was supposed to be it wasn’t there!  Matter of fact, there’s a bunch of files that would normally be there that aren’t.  The address we looked in is as follows:
C:\Documents and Settings\THX-1138\Local Settings\Application Data\Activision\CoDWaW.  And in the WaW file the only subfolder in there is the “mods” folder, and I put that in there myself for the Zombie mod, cuz it wasn’t there in the first place.
I have two hard drives and we’ve looked in both of ‘em to no avail, my “players” file is nowhere to be found!  I have done a system wide search for my player profile with “0” results, heck I have even looked in my backup HD, nada!  
So what perplexes me is how in the world am I playing at all, if I can’t find my player profile via system search, how is COD finding it each time I load the game????
Just a thought, please don’t flame:  can I go into the CoDWaW game disc and “explore” and find the file folders and copy paste them into the correct system folder?  Or can I just create them myself?  
Well, I’m not an IT guy, I can build computers ( five so far) but when it comes to a problem with this much depth, I enlist those who are IT savy.
One more thing, I have a partition that I can't get into and I believe it's in there because that is where my profile was before a RAID format (I KNOW!!, DON'T SAY IT!!)  I'm going to work on getting in there for now.
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smileWed May 27, 2009 2:33 pm

Did you get the blue screen of  death by chance
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smileWed May 27, 2009 2:34 pm

Did you get the blue screen of  death by chance
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titanWed May 27, 2009 2:36 pm

well exploring the game cd wont do much as seeing the profile is made after you install.

its not on the cd it should be in the profile folder but im confused on why it isnt there.
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VonBrockWed May 27, 2009 2:39 pm

Nope, no bsod, that would be much worse than what I'm experiencing now!
Did you lose your profile due to bsod?
BTW, I do have the t-shirt! LOL
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VonBrockWed May 27, 2009 2:42 pm

I really think it's in part of the partitioned hd that I can't get to.
that's what I'm working on now........
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Fish_USNWed May 27, 2009 4:13 pm

It's has to be there someplace.  Obviously you went into windows explorer TOOLS > FOLDER OPTIONS > VIEW .> and checked show HIDDIEN FILES.  It is pulling the information from someplace.  Look in the CoD files stored in the PROGRAM FIILES on your computer.  Just a thought.  Good Luck....!
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NEMATODEWed May 27, 2009 4:16 pm

Did you click to see hidden files?
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reddragnWed May 27, 2009 5:47 pm

Try to search for a folder named just like a name you are playing under right now. Don't forget to turn on "search hidden files and folders" option under "more advanced options" in search.
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BullittWed May 27, 2009 11:43 pm

What OS are you using?
You can find your profiles here in the following OS's
C:\Program Files\Activision\ Modern Warfare\players\profile (If I remember right)

Also If you are going to copy your profile, copy the whole CoDWaW folder.  This will save your favorites, mods, and player settings.

Hope it helps.
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