Polite & Friendly's


BF3 Inter-Clan Fun Night Invitation Hosted by CG's

=GEN=JinxMon Jun 10, 2013 2:59 am

G’day Guys,
On behalf of the Cartoon Generals I would like to Invite all BK BF3 Members to the Cartoon Generals Inter-clan Fun Night on the 22nd June 2013 8pm EST.
The Cartoon Generals Server will be closed down on Sunday 23rd, likely never to return, and what fitting way to send it off, than with a Massive Event with members of 7th Cav, BK, and Cartoon Generals in attendance. We also invite all those wishing to attend to also jump into our TS server for some friendly banter and trash talk as well, (we only ask that extreme language be left at the door, but the odd slip is of course fine)

What:Cartoon Generals Inter-clan BF3 Fun Night
Where:Cartoon Generals Server -  http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/servers/show/de374bac-5c3a-4593-8c40-a0e8475cf4d0/GEN-Scrim
When: 22nd June 2013
Time: 8pm – 10pm(ish) EST
Teamspeak: p/w: TBA

Those that aren’t familiar with Cartoon Generals fun nights, we will be mixing up the Game-types and maps on a map by map basis. We also like to throw in a few weapon restricted rounds as well (i.e. pistols only, shotguns only, scoped sniper rifles only etc) so please have a few different kits ready or be ready to change load-outs on the fly!!!! Cheers

That’s all from me, We hope to see you guys there on the day!

Happy Hunting!

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AbramMon Jun 10, 2013 3:50 am

Slaughter folks from 3 clans and be able to curse at my clanmates? Sounds keen.
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TwoFourMon Jun 10, 2013 11:20 am

Great Idea Jinx, I'll try to make it!

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BadshotMon Jun 10, 2013 3:52 pm

I'm not to good at the game yet but I'll be there!
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ThillionMon Jun 10, 2013 4:17 pm

I will surely try to make that night. Sounds like fun.
However, I am so sorry to hear that your server will be down for good. As that is not good at all.
I hope that that is not what happens for you, but if it does, our servers are here for you all to use whenever you desire.
Just sad to hear that your doors may close for good.
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Firecrackr1Mon Jun 10, 2013 7:05 pm

The only thing that will stop me from being there is if my grandson is with me.
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SmackyMon Jun 10, 2013 9:23 pm

Sounds good!
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SSMajorKoenigTue Jun 11, 2013 5:28 am

Is CG gonna be no more after that?
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rockyTue Jun 11, 2013 5:47 am

Sounds like a lot of fun I will try to make that
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=GEN=JinxTue Jun 11, 2013 10:06 am

Great to see you guys will be there!!!

@SSMajorKoenig, @Thillion Just to clear things up guys, Its by no means the end of the Cartoon Generals, We had a 3 month trial of a bf3 server to see if we could keep it populated, unfortunately due to BF3 interest in the clan being spread through too many time-zones the server failed to deliver, we are just not renewing the subscription, I thought we would send the server off in some style with a mass inter-clan event!
We are still active in BF3 and may be planning some server raids on to BK servers once a month or so, as a fair few of us enjoy playing on your servers including the crouch one which is my favourite!
After that date feel free to throw us a challenge in BF3, it will have to be on your guys server that's all!!

Thanks for showing interest in the Fun NIght, we might see if we can do the same in WaW and Blops sometime in the future!!

Cheers Guys!
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=GEN=JinxMon Jun 17, 2013 2:25 am

G'day Guys!

Just a reminder Guys, this Saturday 22nd June 8pm EST, Cartoon Generals have extended an invitation to BK to attend an Interclan Fun Night for BF3, I hope to see you guys there!

Its on the CG's Server and don't forget to jump into our TS as well guys for friendly banter and trash talk look forward to seeing you guys there!!!
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XBonesMon Jun 17, 2013 2:16 pm

Sounds like fun.
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