Polite & Friendly's



=GEN=JinxTue May 21, 2013 5:26 am

G'day Guys and Girls,

Thought I would throw a post up to Introduce myself, I am in the Cartoon Generals, playing mostly BF3, COD and Blops, I am also the a temp liaison officer over there at the Gens, I Am a frequent user of your Servers in all 3 of the above games, and really enjoy playing on your servers.

Any of the BK members interested in Arma 3, we have a core fan base of around 10 players at the moment may be another game in which scrims or co-op game play could be realised betweem CG and BK.

Anyway guys look forward to catching you guys in Game from time to time.

Happy hunting!
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AbramTue May 21, 2013 6:51 am

Awe, who let YOU in here?!

I'm very interested in ARMA 3. I got a Alpha invite from Cappy, but the bloody thing crashes on launch, even though I exceed the specs by a long shot. Arg.

Obviously, we're sure to have many BF4 players, and I'm sure the next COD will be another server flop. I think ARMA 3 would fit in nicely.

Thanks for stopping by!
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