Polite & Friendly's


Polite and Friendly?

Cheddar-BobSat Mar 02, 2013 6:51 pm

To whom it may concern,

Good day to you sir/ma'am. I've been playing a your BF3 servers for a little while now and I'm certain that I've played on your BF2 servers back in the day (unless I'm mistaken) and have always respected your admins and your rules. I have always known you guys/gals to be stand-up, legit, and "polite and friendly". But, lately, it seems that you have admins/members that aren't quite "polite and friendly" when it comes to gameplay and administering the rules and regulations of your servers. And, I am not the only one. Now, I'm not disagreeing with any of your rules or regulations, but to punish someone for calling out a cheater/hacker and not the actual cheater/hacker is, in my opinion, a bit silly. If we don't tell you that they are flagrantly cheating, how are you supposed to keep your servers "polite and friendly"? And to punish someone for teamkilling, when the teamkilled walked into your line of fire as you are unloading at the enemy, is also a bit silly. It also seems that some of your admins/members just warn and warn and warn. And that's it. I've belonged to a couple of Gaming Communities (Clans, if you will) that warn once, maybe twice, and you get shown the door. Not telling you how to run your servers, but if all you're going to do it warn, then why have the rules to begin with. Not everyone that joins your servers a) can read (english or otherwise), b) have the chat pop-up, or c) give a damn.

I had more to say, but, it's not in quite so a professional manner. So, I'll leave it at this.

Thank you for your time.
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LukeSat Mar 02, 2013 7:00 pm

First thank you for your support of our servers.

We give 2 warnings and kick on the 3rd offense. Many people are not use to a crouch idea in BF3 and we find many will follow the rules after a warning.

For TKing we do a couple of things. We auto kick at 5 TKs with in a limited amount of time or after 2 warnings of what appears to be intentional TKs. We try our best to be fair but can only admin what we see.

As with everything Admins are humans and mistakes happen but we do our best to be fair and part of being fair is warning people instead of just kicking people.

As for hacking we have a policy to ask people not to try and call them out in game but to come on TS. All you do by calling them out in game is to tip them off so they will leave before we can ban them. If someone keeps spamming chat after we ask them to stop talking about it you maybe subject to being kicked for disrupting the server.

If you ever need help from a admin please join us on our TS server.

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bigconnSat Mar 02, 2013 11:56 pm

Cheddar - I was one of the folks chatting with you about this - and as I said if you have any concerns about ANY player, BK or otherwise we ask that you come into our Team Speak and ask for a senior Admin to discuss this.
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WolfFangTue Mar 05, 2013 12:10 am

I have gamed with you and you have been very respectful of our rules wihch is much appreciated. One thing I would also say about admining our server is that at times when we get a bunch of new people in and there are multiple people violating rules, it becomes very hard to keep up with who and what they are doing. By the nature of catching runners (because we will not run ourselves to see who it is, that would be violateing our own rules) it can be difficult to figure out who is running especially whne there are multiple people. At those times our TS and game becomes hectic trying to figure out all the runners and also deal with the other violations that tend to follow that. Because you cna bet if there is that many runners someone is going to say something they shouldnt and some of the violators usually start teamkilling because they dont like our rules and want to express their displeasure by teamkilling players that tell on them. We woudl ask that during these times that you be patient, help identify the runners, and we will get the server back under control as quickly as we can.

As for players using enhancements it is even more difficult in BF3 (unless its obvious) in that its hard to spectate them. But I was gaming the other night when we had an individual on early in the morning that was using a glich. It was hard for us identify where he was and catch him doing it. There were only a few members on at the time. We were talking on TS about what he was doing and were he was. Members were actively trying to find him to verify he was doing what he was accused of. Now it took time to do that because in the process of some members trying to get to him, we were being killed by the opposing team. Like I mentioned before, we wont violate our rules to verify someone is breaking the rules. So we finally did make it to the area, we did verify he was doing something illegal, and it was dealt with. But it can at times seem like we are taking forever to get the server under control and just issuing warnings. It is usually due to the situations I have just mentioned. We would just ask you be patient and we will do our best to get the server back to normal. We dislike the disruption just as much as you do but must go through the process otherwise our rules end up meaning very little in the long run. I would also suggest you come on our TS when your gaming on our server as you can more easily help Identify issues that are going on and help us take care of it as quickly as possible. Hope some of these responses have answered your concerns.
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BadBloodTue Mar 05, 2013 9:33 am

Well Said Wolfgang!!!!
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morguletTue Mar 05, 2013 12:05 pm

i agree well said wolfgang
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Cheddar-BobTue Mar 05, 2013 6:01 pm

Thank you for your responses. I think I just get frustrated with how much I and my computer suck. I don't want to say that any of you guys are the ones not playing legitly, but I just get that feeling some times. I'm not going to name anyone in particular, I know this isn't the place to do it. And I'm sure those that I think are, probably have better systems than me and are just that much better than me. I've got your TS setup and if I need to I'll hop on. Once again, thanks, and see you all ingame.
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TwoFourTue Mar 05, 2013 6:22 pm

Thanks Cheddar, looking forward to talkin' on TS...see ya soon!
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GroundTrooperTue Mar 05, 2013 6:33 pm

I don't think u suck cheddar, maybe a little melted at times. lol  
But you kill me quite a bit I might add.
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bigconnTue Mar 05, 2013 9:49 pm

Cheddar - it no problem.  I find myself asking "what am I doing wrong" all the time!  Join us on Team Speak when you get a chance, you will be more than welcome.  If you ever think of joining we do run "boot camps" to help improve your skills on all the games we support.  I have been to 18 boot camps, myself, and cant wait for the next one!  

Maybe one of these days my memory will allow me a chance to remember what I learned in boot camp!
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