Polite & Friendly's


Trigger Happy?

CGOEZ2KILLSat Feb 02, 2013 2:05 am

I have been playing on your server for a while, and the folks that are there regularly know I have been there and I try to make sure I am polite and friendly as the server states. I might add that I do not see that kind of playing even from the members. I do try to be courteous.

First off I know how you guys feel about folks coming here about the server. I have been with CGO for many many years and have run many many servers and I do understand. You folks have rules and I try to abide by them every hour I have played there, and I have been there many many hours.

I have no excuses, tonight I threw a nade at about 3pm and apologized and another about 4 hours later at 7 pm. I again said sorry because I hit the wrong button. I admit it I am actually fallible. I am like many other of the folks including the members because I have seen them make mistakes too. Well I was immediately kicked, no warning, and showed banned when I tried to get back in.

It must be that every member has admin rights and are quick to kick and ban at any infraction with no grace extended, even for regular players. I have spoken about this in game before and must admit I was not received with polite and friendly responses.

You folks have a lot of people who like to play there so me being there is no big deal to you, but I just wanted to let you know how some of the regular players feel about some of the treatment.

I guess I would receive the regular response of "if you don't like it don't come back" and I understand, I really do I am an older guy who is a long time gamer. I just hope all of the senior folks here understand that server life is directly related to how the players are treated, I know, I have a lot of experience with it.

EZ out
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KarowSat Feb 02, 2013 2:35 am


Thanks for bring your concerns to our forums and for being a regular on our server. BlackOps will kick you automatically for to many team kills and that sounds like that is  what happen here. The game tells you it was a ban but in reality it is a temp ban (around 15 min) that is if you were kick by the game it self. Even if it was an admin we do not ban for team killing. Hope you will return to our server, We do our best to enforce our rules evenly across the board.

Happy Gaming
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LukeSat Feb 02, 2013 3:06 am

We do our best to be as fair as we can. Things like TK kicks are done by the game and out of our control. If you ever have a issue join us on TS and we will do our best to help you.
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zebadobaFri Feb 22, 2013 4:47 am


I am coming in a bit late to this thread, but we were both playing today (2/21/13) in the villa. I had a good time with you as an opponent!  We even had some jokers in there whom were not listening to the basic rules.  It took a while to get the warnings out and the get them kicked.  Join us on TS, even if it listen only mode.  I have to stay quiet at work so I am not vocal on TS, but am there!

Thanks for visiting, hope to see you again!
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BagsFri Feb 22, 2013 5:23 am


it has done it to me aswell, i mostly play w@w but i do get on the ops server from time to time and i do recall your name, i cant stress this enough- being on team speak can get you answers asap and it helps in the game play aswell..

thank you for being a regular on our ops server, we also have a w@w and a bf3 server aswell just a fyi.

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