Polite & Friendly's


Shotgun Friday rules - ditch C4?

Should we keep allowing C4 for Shotgun Fridays?

Total Votes : 10

AbramTue Oct 30, 2012 8:18 pm

So I just booked the Fridays for November on the calendar. It got me to thinking; are you folks all happy with the rules? What brings this up is that I've noticed some people don't like having the C4 included, since it can be tossed pretty far, which kinda takes from the 'close range' thing that we are trying to achieve with Shotgun Friday. I feel that I must agree, even though I love to use C4, myself. Not many use it, and prefer the passive use of Claymores, so I don't think this would be a drastic change that would throw guests and amber off too much.

I figure a poll should be sufficient to determine this. I'm ambivalent, so won't be voting.

So what say you, BK members and guest players alike?

PS - thanks to all whom play with us. It seems to be steadily popular and the guests are good about staying with the rules. Thanks again to Spacepiggio for getting this rolling in the first place.
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hoseplugTue Oct 30, 2012 9:35 pm

personally i think you should get rid of the c4 and if all possible start a week end shotguns only . that way the people who play may get to know the rules much faster instead of telling joe army its shotguns only
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zebadobaMon Feb 11, 2013 6:22 pm

I vote to drop C4.
One toss by a good player and it can take out two guys from a good distance.
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AbramMon Feb 11, 2013 6:53 pm

I normally really love using C4, but with a standing jump-toss, they can go surprisingly far. Certainly farther than any of the shotguns' ranges, and it's nto as if they are tough to get a good shot of, as with the axes and ballistic knives. I'd  actually still prefer to disallow them on Shotgun Fridays. I think it'd be pretty easy - I only see a few people use them, and those few are regular players whom I'm sure will quickly abide.

Still, I'd not consider making any changes without more input.
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MouseMon Feb 11, 2013 7:12 pm

I will vote out the c4 also as I am not a fan of it. I throw it not as far as some but I still throw it and it will go further than the shotgun blast. True closeness comes from shotguns only.
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skelletMon Feb 11, 2013 9:46 pm

i dont use it..but i dont mind it... which ever is fine with me
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REFORMMon Feb 11, 2013 10:12 pm

This is MY TWELVE CENTS about shotgun Friday:


NO ballistic knives, No tomahawks, No claymores, NO droppin bombs and the like.

What part of those things are "UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL"?

Just sayin.....
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AbramTue Feb 12, 2013 2:04 am

I'd love to be able to disable the killstreaks. Maybe of we get one of those other admin programs be behave nicely with Badkon, then we could start forcing weapon restrictions. Oh, that would be sweet....
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