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How did you get your names?

RaptorFri May 15, 2009 8:33 pm

I picked my name because when I was a little kid, i always used to watch those Jurassic Park movies, and always loved the look of Raptors, and the sound of them. so there you go! Very Happy
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DELETEDSat May 16, 2009 3:13 pm

Well Skitz originally came from the SkitzMix CD`s. Which ive used for sometime now,  the 619 (which is Rey Mysterio`s(WWE) finishing move) i added when i found Skitz wasnt available on Toca Race Driver when i started playing that online. Ever since then ive been Skitz619, which i use on all the online games i play!!
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SeanmyrSat May 16, 2009 6:51 pm

Actually, this is the first time I've played under my real name (I was named after Sean Connery because my mother had a major thing for him back in the day).  I can't remember why I went with my real name this time.  Always before I played under the name Paithar.  Paithar was a Dungeons & Dragons character I played for quite some time.  I started using that characters name for my online games because in the group that I play D&D in that character is a legend.  At one point in time he actually became the god of deceit and treachery of the world we played in before the other gods cast him down for trying to kill them all.  I don't know how much any of you know of the mechanics of D&D but there is an alignment system that basically governs how your character behaves.  There are several different alignments ranging from Lawful Good to Chaotic Evil.  Well, my Paithar character was also a legend for adding one more non official alignment to the list and this was Core Evil.  I'm so proud of that character!

Anyway, I've been thinking about changing my name back to Paithar but I'm not exactly sure how to go about it.
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TheBearSat May 16, 2009 6:53 pm

Mine kind of started in High School(way back in the 80s).  While playing football, the coach said I looked like a big ol' grizzly bear trying to claw my way to the ball carrier(I usually played linebacker or nosegaurd on defense).  Thus the nickname Bear came into existence.  I didn't really think much of it until I got my own pc in 1990 and started using Bear as my online identity.  Of course, back then it was mainly BBS boards and then WOW!  Online checkers!!  Even checkers can lag when your playing over a 9600 baud modem.   It really became official when my oldest son started calling me Bear.  When he was a baby and was learning his animal names and sounds, when we got to bear I let out a big growl and chased him around our apartment.  He's called me Bear ever since.  Now everyone knows me as Bear and calls my wife Mrs. Bear, except for family and friends who have known me my whole life...they still call me by my first name.
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DasPootSun May 17, 2009 12:05 am

Mine has been with me a very long time.  I'm real big into WWII history and got my name from the movie "Das Boot" Web Page Name.  I've been known to have some stinky gas from time to time...so hence the name Das Poot.  I have been using the call sign since way back in the day of some old school FPS games.
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mstrsniperWed May 20, 2009 1:59 am

i have had alot of names useally to do with what kind of game i am playing then think off something to do with that and go from there.
OFFA: was my first game refering to how i was allways drunk...lol.
STEALTH:another 1 i used have allways loved SNIPERS.
LEAVEHARD:my V8 supercar name online.
MASTERSNIPER OR MSTRSNPR:came from my love of SNIPERS and sniper movies allways loved 'ENEMY AT THE GATES' and 'SHOOTER' think of the last seen where he draws the shot from the 2 snipers in the snow now that's a MSTRSNPR...LOL Twisted Evil
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ReaperFri May 22, 2009 12:11 am

hm, well. through most of my gaming career i've gone under the tag "Viper" or some variation therein. since that was obviously taken, i was forced to reinvent a new tagname. figured Reaper was effective, due to my nature to sit along the sidelines, bide my time and take careful shots whenever i managed to stumble across an enemy.

and i like grain. bread.
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PhiloFri May 22, 2009 2:26 am

My name was actually a nick name given to me by my step dad after getting in a fight with the neighbor years ago , he said I looked like Philo-Beddo a character Clint  Eastwood played in a movie any which way but loose and it kinda stuck.  Been using it as a gaming name for about 8 yrs now.Had to shorten it to just Philo to add the bk and stuff for cod 5.
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LukeSun May 31, 2009 12:40 pm

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sniperMon Jul 20, 2009 9:36 pm

mine dates back to delta force 2...back before i even met *BK*, i was one of the better snipers floating around novaworld.  my name at the time was something random...i can't remember what it was, so everyone  started calling me "that one sniper" (usually right after i joined the server...i think some people thought i hacked...)  so i took it as my name.  fast forward a few years...BHD is out, and i'm looking at BK.  novaworld has a 15 character limit on screen names, so i shortened it to Sniper...and there you have it...
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StrandMon Jul 20, 2009 10:31 pm

My old name was strand, flip threw the posts to find the explanation on that, but as for my new name, durrty, i choose that mainly because of Baz, he would always say "oh, you dirrrrty dirrrrty strand". So now he says "oh, you dirrrrrty dirrrrty durrrrrty"
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DiggerBazTue Jul 21, 2009 3:10 am

Durrrty Durrttttyy Durrtyyy  !!!!!
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DerbyTue Jul 21, 2009 12:06 pm

Mines simple. I was born in Derby and even though i now live in Leeds i still follow my beloved Derby County Football Club. So hence the name Derby. In the 801sttfw who I fly with my callsign there Is monarch. Me and a friend joined that together He was called Delta1 after delta airlines, I deided to follow his idea and became Monarch after monarch airlines. Then another friend became Jet2. So a little bit of a theme was happening.
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OxfurdTue Jul 21, 2009 12:41 pm

Hahaha , mine is out of laziness.

One day i was loooking for a game name for MMROPG. So i looked around the room at different items and saw my name . Its a Paper co. Its been 14-15 years. I Had it so long my family calls me OX dosent help im a big mass of human. 6.4 and 210 lbs. So i stuck. Odd but love it.
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UuberManTue Jul 21, 2009 3:59 pm

This is a great Idea.  I have always wondered how many of you came up with your names.

My first multiplayer game was BF 1942 which I would play on LAN weekends.  My original name was Meat (for "Dead Meat") since I seemed to die all the time; not unlike my current playing style.  When I started playing WaW on line last month I came up with UuberMan from a Saturday Night Live skit I saw in High School back in 1979 where Dan Akroyd played Uberman.  The "Uu" was because my friends and I would joke at how Akroyd said Uberman in the skit (ooooberman).
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