Polite & Friendly's


shooting faster

KreacherTue Dec 11, 2012 10:50 pm

anyone notice ppl shootin weapons alot faster than usual....like semi rifles firing like autos and the same with pistols....i ask a couple diff ppl why there 1911 was shooting so fast and they both made it sound like a key board and mouse setup or someting of the sort.....anyone/anything
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Silent_WolfTue Dec 11, 2012 11:11 pm

Ive noticed that myself and chalked it up to ping.  I have seen that with players that I know are not downloading their skills and notice they have a higher ping then me.
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TrygarTue Dec 11, 2012 11:31 pm

It could also be them mapping fire to the mouse scroll. People use to do that for pistol and knife only servers in CoD4 and could empty a pistol clip twice as face as I could with just M1 for fire.
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KarowTue Dec 11, 2012 11:59 pm

Using the mouse wheel for fire is not allowed on our servers. It is a tough one to prove. But I have asked a player before and he said yes he was. Told him it was not allowed don't know he ever stopped.
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AbramWed Dec 12, 2012 1:06 am

Tehre are also some 3rd party apps that can create macros.  I triedoen to throw up caht bins in BF3, and thankfully foudn that BF3 (and I assume Wargihter as well) is able to detect and block it, but nto detect it as an exploit, and thus get one banned.

I admit I tried the mousewheel thing once and I foudn taht the wheel speed ahd to be a little precise to work, and foudn it no easier than jsut clicking my fire button.

Yes, there are certainly folks that bind FIRE to their mosuewheel. Iv'e also been talkign a bit of folskhaving a dot drawn in the middle fo their screen, and many admit to it, but sound confused when I tell them it's cheating. Unfortunate, but hard to stop and prove.

I just have ti hope that our members and guests are mature enough to not pull this kind of crap and play fair.

Though this also happens thanks to random lag spikes and/or high pings. In all games. Though The COD games seem to do a far better job of dealing with vast ping differences. I'll sometimes be watching a game recording and while watching a victim, I can hear a different amount of shots I fired than I heard on MY end.

Just some of of those things that we have to put up with.

Maybe we should add a line about using macros in our Rules on the site here... While I woudln't say that using the mouse wheel is a 'macro', it certainly should not be allowed.

HM, i guess this is a buit of a manic post, and I'm hitting on two subjects.. sorry.

I'm sure everyone desires fair play, which is what this is all about.
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BlueTravelerWed Dec 12, 2012 5:39 am

There was a post on Reddit in the past several days about people using macros in BF3.  Could explain a recent spike in potential use.
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