Polite & Friendly's


Hello BK!

{AOW}BandAidThu May 14, 2009 7:02 pm

Shocked  Hi I'm BandAid from the AOW clan, nice sight and the servers are pretty good too! Wondering what type of matches you have?, rules regs etc...., maybe you guys would like to have a snipe match in our COD4 server? Be careful in the snipe though, those guys could shoot the tail off a fly at 150 yards Twisted Evil
Hope to hear from ya soon!
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NEMATODEThu May 14, 2009 7:34 pm

Greetings honorable AOW Team,

Bad Karma Team ten years in existence pc based, current members approx 200,
seeks cod5 Matches,
We can accomodate 5-15 per side on our servers. We have members all over the
world and can
in most cases provide a team any hour of the day.

Email for Match specifics:
awpalagyi [at] hotmail [dot] com (DREWP)
Email adam.morrisey [at] hotmail [dot] com (STRAND)
jjd [at] panix [dot] com (NEMATODE)

Usually 3 maps on are servers, our tactile rules, next week 3 maps your
server your rules.
If you do not have a server we can host the matches on our servers.

We are an honorable team no cheats or hacks. Members will abide by your
rules as we hope you would reciprocate.

To visit our public servers:
Polite and Friendly, Polite and Friendly 2 and Polite and Friendly 3.

TS I.P. - no pw

Doubt many members have cod4. But you could talk with Drew about.

Hope to set something up with. Please contact Drew

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LukeThu May 14, 2009 11:08 pm

Thanks for dropping in and saying hello. Its always great to hear from people that enjoy our server. I look forward to seeing you on the battle field.

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