Polite & Friendly's


FPS Best / Worst - what next?

If you could only play ONE FPS game on P&F servers, which would it be (old, new, etc)?

Total Votes : 33

SilexxMon Nov 12, 2012 8:04 pm

I really enjoy playing on the Polite and Friendly servers and have to hand it to Luke and the team for being consistant and also keeping the Polite & Friendly theme and crotch servers working. So first I really want to say thanks to Luke and everyone...

Now for some general questions and concerns... (note: Nothing to do with Polite and Friendly - just FPS in general).

First we live in a difficult economic enviroment and playing FPS games that continue to push the limits of the PC means paying for better GPS, CPU, etc. It is a costly endevor for everyone. Additionally these games are not cheap.

I was just looking on my shelf (Winter Cleaning) and saw all the boxes lined up:  COD Modern Warfare, World at War, Black Ops, Bad Company, and BF3 - those are just the ones I have played with P&F, there are more. Over $300 in computer games not to mention my rig which has been updated several times. While I could rant and rave about the cost - because it does add up and these aren't the easiest of time (finanically) for anyone. I think my (our) time is better served at looking at what worked and what didn't. Most importantly what could P&F continue to support.

With BlackOps2 looking to come out with limited server support / mods and the mixed feelings about MOH: Warfigther,  should we look back at what we all most likely have in inventory and play what we know and what we have?

I see that World at War continues to get lots of game play on the P&F servers and that's great. I liked the maps, the ability to LEAN, the weapons, and certainly the game play. However what about the previous Black Ops, is anyone still playing that? BF3 doesn't seem to get much game play on the P&F server 1, but does get a lot of action on the crouch server.

So I thought - looking back - if (this is just a hypothetical question) you could only play one game (old or new) that P&F would and could support, what would it be. Also share your experience and why.

Please - this is not a suggestion for Luke or P&F, this is just a curiosity as to what people liked to play, what they didn't, what they would continue to play and why. At least an open question of what is popular among our members.
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SilexxMon Nov 12, 2012 8:09 pm

After a long pause, I voted for World at War. I haven't played it in a while and while the BF3 series offers lots of enjoyment as does Black Ops, there just seems to be something missing. Maybe it's nostalgia.
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bigconnMon Nov 12, 2012 8:21 pm

well seeing as how I could only vote for 1 - I had to go with COD4.  I have been a long time player on all of the other CODs and think the COD United Offensive was probably the best one in the series overall, BUT i had to go with COD4 because of the better graphics and the "modern" themes.  I have also seen many servers who have mods for COD4 some of which are very well thought out.

If they could only update the graphics in United Offensive I could have saved $1,000 on computer upgrades this year!
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KarowMon Nov 12, 2012 10:04 pm

i would prefer BF3 but no one wants to play on server 2 anymore. so i choose two play warfighter most of time or jump on some other bf3 server
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TipsterTue Nov 13, 2012 1:36 am

I like BF3 and Black Ops.
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tetTue Nov 13, 2012 1:41 am

Tossing my vote in for World at War.  Though at the moment I am back to World of Warcraft.
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WatjalukinatTue Nov 13, 2012 1:57 am

I really don't care for any COD game
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TwoFourTue Nov 13, 2012 3:09 am

I enjoy BF3 CQ  & Black Ops
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FlannoThu Nov 15, 2012 5:48 am

I prefer BF3 by far, but miss the old maps.....Grand Bazaar, Seine River Crossing etc.  I've gone off it a bit since Armoured Kill came out, but have really enjoyed the conversion of our BF3 Server 1 to Crouch Only.
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WatjalukinatThu Nov 15, 2012 1:21 pm

I'm surprised there are so many that play World at War, I hadn't even heard of the game, let alone hear of anyone in my other clans play it.
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TazmanThu Nov 15, 2012 2:54 pm

Not only are there so many that play it, I think it is actually GROWING in this clan.  It is a COD WWII based game, and some of us like the slower paced play of that game.  It's a little easier to distinguish teams and the guys and gals that play that game are a hoot to play with.  If you get the chance, I heard there was a free download out there (something about buying BOPS II) and you should come in there and join us!!!

And I am not totally bias, as I have all of the COD games and the BF games and now the MOHWF game!!!  Even though, I have to admit, that I play W@W the most!!!

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WatjalukinatThu Nov 15, 2012 3:07 pm

It's tempting, but you see I have gaming ADD, so If i have too many options i'll just bounce around game to game.
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BraxisThu Nov 15, 2012 3:47 pm

I cant come up with a good answer for this.  

I used to be a huge fan of CoD (owning every one from the beginning through Black Ops), But they have gone stale and grey for me, I cant even bring myself to install one of them again, so deep-rooted is my apathy.  So the fun has dried up there.

Battlefield... I really like it, particularly the wide variety of gameplay styles, but I found that 90% of the time, i would have to switch to some playstyle i wasn't really wanting to play at the moment, just to prop up my team.  Not pointing any fingers, or really complaining, just what I experienced.  Almost all fun gone there as well.

Medal of Honor. Well, I haven't played the latest one, so I can't render a verdict on it, but from what I remember from the previous installment, the multiplayer was relatively generic, with almost no difference between the teams, and not much variation in the equipment (i.e. one gun that was way better than all others, so everyone plays the same class the same)

So, yea, I have judged them all, and found them all wanting. An endless wasteland of featureless brown.  Which is annoying, because the state of MMP (mass multiplayer) Shooters is that the generic ones are getting the server populations big enough to be sustaining, and the interesting ones that try something different get no following, so your relegated to hanging out alone in servers forever.  Guess that I will retreat into my world of Borderlands 2, Assassins Creed 3, Dishonored, and Firefall.  They may be mostly lonely games (with the exception of Borderlands (at times) and Firefall), But at least they are different and interesting.  

Oh, and if you want to feel really terrible, and are a bit bored, Go to Steam and add up your transactions history (<username>'s account -> account transactions) ... yea, that's a scary number!

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X-TaticThu Nov 15, 2012 4:19 pm

I would have to say, BF3 crouch.
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Silent_WolfThu Nov 15, 2012 4:46 pm

I voted BF3 all the way.  I was very sad when everyone jumped ship on BFBC2 for CODBO.  The game play is way more entertaining to be on BF with larger maps but the crouch on BF3 is addictive.  I can only hope that they will create some more maps that will allow for crouch.  I dont think we could do well with AK maps in crouch.  Twisted Evil
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