Polite & Friendly's


Which MOHW server do you like most and why?

KarowSat Nov 10, 2012 5:12 am

I like both just to mix it up. Also like sector control and hotspot
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FlannoSat Nov 10, 2012 5:54 am

I prefer Combat Mission.  Team Death Match is a little repetitive given the limited number of small maps in the rotation and the speed of the games.
It would be great if we could perhaps mix the game modes up on the servers.  Maybe 2 types of games in rotation on each of the servers, if that's possible.
I feel that the greater variety would go a long way to offsetting the rapid repitition of small maps on the TDM server, and also introduce the whole range of game type onto our servers.
Having said all of that, MOH has made me a even greater fan of BF3!!
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BluesDeVilleSat Nov 10, 2012 11:23 am

I'm  liking both but prefer the objective based game play
just gives you something to do.
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