Polite & Friendly's


Greetings to all of BK!

CMTSChesscomMon Oct 15, 2012 7:35 pm

What's up everyone?

Mark here. A long ways back I started WaW MP just to get the feel of it but had some techie issues that I had to deal with concerning my CPU, so just recently, a couple of days ago actually, I went back into MP and came across your server. Now I am not used to playing HC games, let alone Crouch HC, but have definitely fell in love with it ever since and have found your server on BO as well.

I consider myself a pretty decent player and have been playing the CoD series for a long time now (I have every CoD game on my CPU) but I'm feeling humbled and frustrated at the same time because of the HC Crouch servers, but it's not going to chase me off.   Cool

My in-game name for WaW/MW3/BO is: CMTSChesscom (as it is on Steam) and I look forward to playing more with you guys. I'm online a lot since I am retired for medical reasons so I'll be around and maybe I'll send a round or two your way

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BagsMon Oct 15, 2012 8:54 pm


we hope enjoy your time on our server/s.

we have w@w, black ops, bf3 and soon we will have one up for the new MOH coming out. our w@w server has an event that runs on day's that have a  T or t/s in it then it's a tac day, then little different rules, no pistal walking, rifle nades, marty and i think one more but i dont recall.

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xVoodooMon Oct 15, 2012 9:10 pm

Hey Chesscom, welcome to our servers. I'll be watching for you and quite possibly shooting you  Razz  Very Happy
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PFGreenLabelMon Oct 15, 2012 9:41 pm

Hello Fella me lad! Have a good on our servers and enjoy the chat in TS ~ tata
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