Polite & Friendly's


BF3 AC-130 Gunship Guide

LukeFri Sep 28, 2012 2:52 am

AC-130 Gunship Guide

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BigDawgFri Sep 28, 2012 4:10 am

that was not hard core I can assume as all he had to do was aim at red dots.lol I didnt see any team kills so that must have been off.I want to know what key is the turret for air defense?
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bigconnFri Sep 28, 2012 9:39 am

press 1 for "main gun" 25mm or 105mm then press 2 for air defense top turret
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AbramFri Sep 28, 2012 12:14 pm

Geez, that's a good example of the air warfare advantage in softcore. I almost always play hardcore, and I don;t think I've ever heard anyone claim the AC-139 is overpowered. Quite the opposite. I think it's balanced just fine, personally. Very powerful with a bit of teamwork, but easily taken down with teamwork as well. I didnt knwo both seats ahd their own flares, though.. it seem many do not, seeing as how I don't see two sets fired off all that much.
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WatjalukinatFri Sep 28, 2012 12:21 pm

Yeah, Everyone should know this.

You have to hit X to activate flares for both seats in AC-130 just like other aircraft.  They aren't automatic. Very helpful that both seats know this lol.
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BlueTravelerFri Sep 28, 2012 1:19 pm

Are there any of these YouTube people that actually play and make videos in Hard Core?  I don't see what's fun about being shown all your targets and not worrying about team killing.  Anybody can rack up kills when you are shooting fish in a barrel.
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WatjalukinatFri Sep 28, 2012 1:42 pm

well we can make a hardcore video, refer to my video post lol
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timboFri Sep 28, 2012 3:28 pm

Forget 1 shot 1 kill,   that dude is getting 2-3 kills per shot.
When I play the enemies are not gathering at the objective like that.

and Yes, if we just aimed at A, B, C<  etc, we would definitley get some team kills

Wat,     What if we filmed guys landing on the C130? from turret point of view?   placing C4 etc, claymore?   robot?
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WatjalukinatFri Sep 28, 2012 3:46 pm

we could try that, I've seen guys land and they just surf off cause you stop moving but the plane doens't kinda messed up, i was hoping for bf1942/bf2 style land on planes and chill
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KarowTue Oct 02, 2012 2:29 am

I think it was the worst addition to BF3 to date. I love rush but not on AK maps.
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WatjalukinatTue Oct 02, 2012 3:57 pm


I think we should make this our first training video.

Touch on everything, flares Anti-air guns aiming    ALL For Hardcore gaming.

and how to take it down quickly with different vehicles.

different game modes if we want

Anything else you'd like to see added specifically for AC-130 training.

Need anyone who'd be interested in making this vid to just post here or pm me.

We can set a day aside to get on Server 1 or bootcamp whatever the brass says to use.  and get fraps etc going and get these vids rolling.
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